Emergency Lighting


In addition to electrical appliance testing, Gav's Test & Tag can also provide periodic inspection and testing to your emergency lighting systems to provide you with peace of mind that your school, business or commercial site is complying with code.


Dangerous situations can be avoided by ensuring your exit lighting systems are in working order to provide an easy escape route in the event of an accident, fire, threat, hazard.


By having the emergency Exit lights on your premises inspected and tested by Gav's Test & Tag your company will be:

  • Fulfilling its obligations under OH & S safety act 2000, as per Australian Standard AS2293.
  • Exercise your 'Duty of Care'
  • Protect the business from any liability claims.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to a safe workplace

Gav's Test & Tag can conduct testing of your Emergency Exit Lights either six monthly or yearly to ensure Australian Standards are being met.


What's Involved - 6 Monthly Testing Procedure

  • Make sure there have been no power interruptions for 16hrs prior to test.
  • Check fluro lights for blackened ends, if found, tube & starter to be replaced.
  • Manual discharge test (simulated power failure) light must stay illuminated for no less than 90 minutes
  • Restore light to normal condition and check that the battery charger operation indicator at each unit functions correctly.
  • Automatic discharge test, check unit operates correctly (visually) by means of the indicator at each unit or panels.
  • Units that FAIL to be replaced or repaired.

What's Involved - 12 Monthly Testing Procedure

  • Carry out the above 6 monthly testing and inspection procedures
  • Clean all light emitting and reflecting surfaces
  • Record all test results and action taken.